The problem is are, the US and other western nations really Israel’s friend or do they treat them like a battered wife, whom they give flowers to and apologize profusely after a bad episode? For example, the 1973 war where Henry Kissinger said that Israel needed a,” bloody nose!” Or that they gave Israel a smaller amount of aid than Egypt and conditionally make them purchase US weapons. Along with the,”arm twisting,” two-state solution and meddling!!??

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Good point, Tov!

As the saying goes, with friends like that...who needs enemies!

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Or enemas lol

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No, let's not....your definition of anti Israel bias smacks of it's own partisinship.....there are facts that are being left out....and you know it....🤔

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That's not how Scott Ritter , Norman Finkelstein , Ray McGovern , Larry Johnston Geoffrey Sacchs , Professor Meirshiemer or Colonel Douglas McGregor tell the story ....but there are a lot of homeless , hungry , palestinian refugees right now as a consequence of US bombs supplied to a lawless Israeli State....just sayin....!🤔

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Of course you're entitled to your opinion, Grant, as are the men you list who share the same anti-Israel bias. For the sake of civility, let's just leave it at that.

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You are a voice of clarity in the propaganda darkness, Cherie. The destabilization of the Middle East has been accelerated by the Muslim dude from Kenya and with clear malicious intent. The diapered muppet in the WH being fed ice cream by the former babysitter, now wife, is only a morally corrupt face of a federal government gone astray. Thank you for this illuminating narrative. Well done.

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Thank you so much for your kind words, Gene!

Ah yes, the Kenyan and the Pretender in the White House.

Have we hit bottom yet?

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Bottom is within sight but our air supply is low, Cherie.

Keep up the illumination. Light is goodness.

You are welcome, always.

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