I certainly agree with your last sentence, it is indeed important to understand what's transpiring on the ground and to know the bigger picture. For the record, many of my friends are Jewish, including my most cherished. So, if anything, I am pro-human. Kudos to you for adding a forum for the exchange of thoughts. Good luck on your journey. keb

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Thanks, KEB!

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Excellently written, as usual. Thank you for your past work, which you have nailed on so many occasions. Here, though many of your points are true, there is an obvious slant that instead of finding answers, seems to simply search for justification to one side of the story. And so goes the world in which we live in. Until we can take off our conditioned glasses to look at every angle as one species, thousands of more children will continue to be killed, at everyone’s expense. So, let us put aside the labels (anti-Semites, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, racists, etc.) so at the very least we can ask questions that we truly want to find the answers to. For in truth, isn’t questioning the epitome of a free society, a debate, however begrudgingly it may be entered into, essential to move forward to new heights?

Why was (the region of) Palestine a place of peace before the infiltration and final founding of the nation state of Israel in 1948? Jerusalem has always been a melting pot. To proclaim that there really are no “Palestinian People” is irrelevant. Recent John’s Hopkins research has revealed less than 3% of all Jews living in Israel today have ancient Judaic Hebrew DNA, compared to 80% of the Palestinians. But so what? Is there any justification either way of killing thousands of innocent children, which continues at this very moment? Carrying out a ‘Mandatory Palestine’ for a future Israeli nation state is one thing, but annihilating whole villages and cities by the dozens to do so, is another. You might want to check out The General’s Son https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOaxAckFCuQ&t=1797s or Ilan Pappe’s The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine to see another angle of the story. Colonial settlers in the new world spearheaded the eventual founding of the USA merely a few hundred years ago. Should we now give back this land to the true descendants of those American tribes, what the mainstream of their day called savages? Must we continue to repeat a never-ending theme of demonization to justify what we want from other peoples and their generational lands?

Concerning Hamas, why was the most sophisticated security on the planet shut down for six hours during the ‘massacre,’ with security from that sector removed beforehand, allowing the terrorists to cut through layers of barriers? It was said if a rat crossed that line, they’d know it. Who was it that benefited from this operation? I don’t need to remind you of PNAC prior to 911, how the deep state needed a reason to get to the Middle East with their killing equipment. If you were honest with your historical research, you would see that what is transpiring now, wiping the slate clean in Gaza, of whatever you want to call these people, has been long planned by a very few, that in the end will do the same to the Jewish people. This chapter of the WEF’s Agenda 2030 is just the beginning. There is one thing about Oct. 7 that can’t be denied. The objective was to make it as horrific as possible, whether the exact reports coming only from Israeli sources were exaggerated, or not (there are conflicting whistle-blower reports of Israeli forces killing both civilians and ‘Hamas’ terrorists alike). Again, who was it that benefited? Certainly not the Palestinian people. Hamas was a creation of the US and Israel to counter Arafat’s PLO, and the people within the open-walled prison called Gaza were encouraged to support this ‘organization.’ Now they are being eradicated for doing so, the justification for their elimination being proclaimed that there is no difference between Hamas and the people who ‘voted’ to keep them in power. Shame on anyone who would claim righteous rationalization of the killing of tens of thousands (and counting) of its citizenry (focusing again on the children), whatever their DNA tells us. October the 7th was the excuse, not the reason. Open your eyes. Just who is genociding who?

Wiping out an entire populace before they can exterminate you plays right into the deceptive globalists long-turn agenda, a plan set forth long ago by not the Jewish people, but a small group using them, now referred to as Zionists (see the Sabbatian-Frankist movement). These elites in the shadows within the City of London (not London the city) would just as well prefer we all slaughter ourselves. I am also sure you are aware that they have supported both sides of the first two world wars (and perhaps most conflicts in the western world), and will certainly do so in the next and last one planned, as they have stated. Hitler’s meteoric rise and the building of his superior war-machine is a prime example (recalling PNAC and having a good reason to ‘get over there’). Joseph Farah may proclaim that the Arabs controlled 99.9% of Middle East lands, yet they still want it all. But the big-picture agenda for this small gang of archontic globalists, are the plans for a Greater Israel that will ultimately call for over 50% after the dust settles upon the rubble. Then, the real shenanigans will commence. And, again, in the end, the Jewish people will suffer along with us and they won’t even blink an eye.

We could go on and on with the debate. There is no doubt you could use your expertise to refute, cherry-pick, deny any points of interest mentioned here or elsewhere. But intelligence does not equate to wisdom. Here is the most important question, coming from someone who has no dog in the fight, other than exposing those forces that have caused us so much pain and suffering throughout our history. When will it end? When will we jump off the loop of deception and stop falling into their trap? Over and over and over it goes, the same players that were pulling the strings thousands of years ago are still pulling them now. While we are justifying and fighting and killing, they are playing us like a fiddle. This is not a war between Israel and the Palestinian people. It is a war against humanity. And here is one last, but most important point. The controllers that control the world, and as such control and are using Israel through their minions, have their own overlords. And their forte is deception. They’re way ahead of you, and us. So before we start pointing the finger, we must question, with UTMOST HONESTY, everything. From ALL angles. Most especially, we must question ourselves. Otherwise, it’s a done deal.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023Author

Dear K. E., While I agree with you that there's a much bigger plan at work, which I've written about in the past and even referenced in my Prelude to Part One of this multipart article, and which I invite you to read again, you end up blaming the Jews.

I'm surprised to see you using Johns Hopkins--the same Johns Hopkins that partnered with the Gates Foundation on Event 201--the rehearsal for the Covid Plandemic. JH is a globalist front. As for the genetics, either they have it backwards or you misread it: 97% of Ashkenazi Jews have the Judaic Hebrew DNA. Hitler knew what he was doing when he exterminated most of European Jewry.

You seem to be well-intentioned, but you fall back on a couple of typical anti-Semitic tropes. Zion is a synonym for Israel, sometimes spelled as Tzion. Zionism is support of Israel. There is no secret group of "Zionists" or "Sabbatian Jews" who are plotting to take over the world. That's a trope from the long ago debunked Russian disinfo pamphlet: "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." If you read Part One of my article, you'll see I quoted Pacepa on the Soviet distribution of the Protocols to the Arabs.

And there is no plan for a Greater Israel.

Whatever the Davos Elites have planned in the long run, there is now a very real existential threat to the tiny nation of Israel, not merely from the Palestinians, but from Hezbollah, Iran, etc. It's important to understand what's transpiring on the ground, as well as the bigger picture.

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Thank you for your research--chock full of information--and your writing makes it an easy read. Sad about that greenhouses. My friend Isaac told me about that. It was shocking to me that an established business, basically handed over to the Palestinians as a gift, would instead be ruined and demolished. Israel made a go of desert living. Palestine could, too. If only it wanted to.

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Thank you for your kind words, OregonSun!

Yes, very sad, especially when this thriving business was handed to them as you say.

Seems their only goal is wiping Israel off the map.

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Cherie, excellent reporting! Ask the above poster about the 750,000 Jews expelled from those,”bastions,” of peace and welfare Arab nations, not to forget the$billions in stolen assets!

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Thanks so much, Tov!

And your point about the expulsion of Jews from Arab lands is well taken.

You'll see my response to Le Berger below.

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You have it backwards, Berger. The Jews in all the surrounding Arab countries were expelled after living in those countries for many generations, and their property stolen. Most fled to Israel where they were granted citizenship. Most of the Arabs who fled the newly established land of Israel were recent immigrants. In fact, the UN changed the very definition of "refugee" for Palestinians only, requiring only two years of residency!

If you really want to understand this history, I recommend you read From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters.

And please keep any future comments respectful and civil.

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MacDuff, You want to know the truth, and I appreciate that. The best way to do that is to read some books on this subject, as well as articles by writers who've studied the history. I can recommend a short book by historian David Meir-Levy: History Upside Down, and a long book by investigative journalist Joan Peters.

As for Jewish emigres to the Palestine Mandate that became Israel, yes, there was a period prior to the birth of Israel in the late 1940s when a small number of Arabs were displaced by Jewish settlers. David Meir-Levy writes about that. I think his book would be a great place for you to start, MacDuff. It was for me!

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I forgot to give you the title of Joan Peters' book: From Time Immemorial.

The title is ironic, because she goes on to demonstrate that the Arabs were NOT in Palestine from time immemorial, but the Jews were. It took her 7 years of researching primary documents from multiple countries to write this book. 400 pages dense with factual information, but written in an engaging manner; and 200 pages of footnotes! You want the facts, go to Joan Peters' book.

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Of course not, MacDuff! But that happened to very few Arabs--just a small number of those living in the Judea and Samaria area, aka West Bank, back in the late 1940s as fledgling Israel needed to protect some particularly vulnerable communities. Remember the Arabs were fighting the creation of the state of Israel long before it became a nation in 1948.

In contrast, hundreds of thousands of Jews were forcibly expelled from their homes in Arab nations as soon as modern-day Israel was created.

And I just checked Max Igan's website. I'm not calling him a liar, MacDuff, but his website is replete with hatred of the Jewish people. And hatred like that can blind one to finding the truth.

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Anti-Semitism is clearly alive and well, so it's not hard to find proponents, as you have done. But please don't post their vitriol on my Substack.

If you're interested in the truth even though it doesn't fit with what you currently believe, then read my work with an open mind. Otherwise, skip this article series and rejoin me if you like when I write about other topics.

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