Cherie, what you describdhappening in Iran in the late '70s and onward, also happened in Egypt, in the yrs following Sadat's assassination,and onward. My Dad, a TWA pilot from '45-'75, was also a movie camera buff, so our "home" movies were not the usual. He filmed the cities overseas that he visited, including Cairo, Egypt, which, in the '50s was a beautiful, cosmopolitan city. Women had freedom, and rights, they dressed in mostly western style with well coifed hair and make-up, like women in Paris,Rome, or NYC. Mubarak ended that, and by the Arab Spring, it looked like a filthy garbage dump. That happened in Cuba, and in a number of South and Central American nations as well, through the '50s - '70s. Since the Muslim invasion,the cities of Europe all look mostly like that too.

You are also correct this is what they plan for all of us they don't kill off.

But keep in mind, Yhwh God has a plan unfolding before our eyes too, and the end result of His is a lot nicer. There is going to be a very rough period to come, before it gets better, but it's not the end of Earth, just the world society as we have known it these past several millennia, including those adherents of the groups you are discussing.

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Thanks so much for sharing this, Sandra! I didn't realize this happened in Egypt too.

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Neither did a younger Egyptian acquaintance of mine. He thought I was yanking his chain at first. I wouldn't have but for those "home movies" I grew up with, from all over. It wasn't something that showed up on the news programs, or history shows either. I was a fan of Zahi Hawass' specials while he was director of antiquities, and never saw that change 'til the Arab Spring videos; as if it was well hidden from view.

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Probably, but he was an high ranking military officer at the time of the coup that killed Sadat and took over, and Sadat's shooter was an MB peratupive.

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MB is Muslim Brotherhood.

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They're real enough to have gotten kicked out of Egypt en masse circa 1920, and be on the verge of the same from Saudi Arabia now, as well as to have "tentacle" groups all over the world.

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Letters from Vienna substack has many articles worth reading on the history of Israel and what Zionism is, certainly distinct from what many Jews believe.

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deletedNov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023
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M le Berger, you re correct about who is running the Arab nations; they are the SAME PTB who are running the world already, via financial control.

However, the Jews will never again be scattered in a diaspora. We have Yhwh God's ( as opposed to other entities called "God") word on that and what is coming for them,and all humanity. They are returning to Israel for good, as promised, when they were scattered in 70 AD.

Regarding Arab heritage, they are largely descended from Ishmael, te sons of Keturah born to Abraham after Sarah's death, and Esau, the twin brother of Jacob (Israel), so "distant relatives" but not covered under the covenant giving the land of the former Canaanites to the children of Israel, in perpetuity. Indeed, all the hate is rooted in badly handled domestic issues from way back then.

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You do have to look back that far to find the roots, Others have exacerbated it through the centuries, but are not the cause, and to cure it you HAVE to " kill the roots", as with any mental dysfunction.

The only "ninny" here is the 1 who fails to grasp human psychology , grudge holding generationally, and how to treat such mental dysfunctions. I said badly handled DOMESTIC issues; they blamed Abraham and Issac, not Yhwh's choosing; that was the Cain/ Abel scenario, where Yhwh was directly blamed.

You make an awful lot of assumptions with no basis beyond your own distorted and dysfunctional views.

Israel is governed by the same PTB who have been governing the US, since 1871. People like you are to be pitied... oh so wise, in their own eyes and oh so wrong in reality. Proverbs warns quite a lot about your ilk.

That covid jab? Yhwh didn''t need to "instruct" me about those; He just insured Isaw the necessary information about those, and knew, with my specific history I'd RUN the other way! I already had over 50 yrs worth of information cautioning me about pharmaceuticals in general!

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