We all need to be reminded of this as the most important election in the history of America. We are under a takeover of our formerly free nation. "This is what a real insurrection looks like. It is shocking, dangerous, and treasonous." And this election can change everything. It won't be the end. It will be a beginning of rebuilding America, free, prosperous, inspiring to freedom-loving peoples everywhere.

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Thanks so much for your uplifting comment, Peter and Ginger!

Everything is riding on this election. I hope you're right and that freedom will again ring in America!

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Spot on. The only thing I differ with is your comment on Obama. He’s more a Maoist Cultural Communist. Loves Mao. Proudly displayed a Mao ornament on his Christmas tree in the White House. I mainly point that out because he doesn’t think too much beyond Culture. i.e. chastising black men for not voting for Kamala. Not the brightest lamp. He’s more about belonging and being cool than almost anything. Tomato tomatoe.

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Thanks for your kind words, LadyK!

If Obama is not the brightest lamp, how would one describe Kamala?

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Perfecto! I laughed out loud!

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It was the perfect set up. Made me laugh as well.

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FYI Cherie, Greg Reese is reporting: Government officials are threatening to not certify a Trump 2024 win. Effective on September 27th, 2024, DoD Directive 5240.01, states in section three-point-three, that “Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency, or a State or local law enforcement agency when lives are in danger”

Authorization for lethal force simply requires the approval of the Secretary of Defense, and would provide, “Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury.”

This could include another protest over rigged elections, or another fake pandemic.


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Thank you, Carl, for sharing this important information!

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In fact, it is not Trump per se, but the MAGA movement—the awakened Sleeping Giant—that the Dems and their globalist pals really fear.

It is Trump himself and this is why:

Both parties are guilty of treason for doing nothing to stop John Roberts from swearing- in the Soros funded, John Brennan and the CIA created Barack Hussein Obama as America's putative president and commander- in- chief of her military. America's elected "protectors of the Constitution" became protectors of Obama because they committed big-time treason when they gave America's government and her military to her enemies by doing nothing to stop the race and once sworn-in, ineligibility protected Obama from being sworn-in. This is the equivalent of signing surrender papers after losing a war, but without the death and destruction of a conventional war…………..

Both parties know this, and both parties agreed after Obama was sworn-in that,” nothing would be done about it”. They fear Trump as president again will reveal and act on the truth about Barry, and the treason committed by both parties as they did nothing to prevent Obama from being sworn-in. The result of that is the near complete destruction of America. Big time treason has no statute of limitation, and can be punished by hanging............

America's last chance is to protect and elect Donald Trump as President in 2024.......

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Well if Trump takes the election, even in a landslide, be ready for the Deep State to play all their evil cards. This likely will include the recent DOD directive to use lethal force toward U.S. citizens during civil unrest.

The stage is being set with a, not so close, Presidential race after all. Trump will undoubtedly crush the elections and be victorious. And what if he is immediately taken into custody for _______!? ?( Fill in the blank, might need to get creative) 😫

They have tried most everything else to piss us off. High gas price fixing, choreographed Jan. 6th chaos & arrests, more money for illegals than Americans, more money for everyone else! COVID VAX GENOCIDE, and increased crime with constant denial, and more lies, and immigrants, and immigrants, and immigrants.

Be careful patriots, we need to be smarter than those “planning” our futures.

Wouldn’t this be the perfect time for them to swoop in and kill a few hundred more and declare police states/ martial law??

Cue the digital monetary system and One World Government.


Don’t be fearful, be prepared. Hell, as much as I love Trump, he could be in on it. How would we really know if things played out like this? Just sayin’, be ready for anything.

The opposition, ( Deep State), are EVIL. They have a lot at stake.

Pray for the entire collapse of every plan they

have. 😇

If you still don’t think this is a spiritual battle, you haven’t been paying close attention. It is!

Truth wins! 🏆🇱🇷💕



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Thanks for your thoughtful comment, SeattleRepublican!

Re: Trump being "in on it"--that makes no sense to me. If that were so, he'd have to be scripted, and insincere, and it's his sincerity and authenticity that has won over so many people, as well as his MAGA platform.

On the contrary, as I've written above, they have every reason to hate and fear him.

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Seattle Republican, surely most readers here know of a certainty that D.J.T. is God's anointed and chosen for this hour. 2020 was allowed for our enlightenment, HELLO!!! Trump is definitely ON IT, but in no way "in on it".

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Your commentary is illuminating of the UniParty blob corruption inside the beltway . Sessions is solid. Pray he is successful in revealing the conspiracy of McCord and her pals.

The courts are suspect, Cherie. Especially SCOTUS . It could have bellied up to the bar in 2020 but it hid in the basement with blathering Joe and it's "no standing" spineless exit from the truth. Think maybe Pence and Roberts had a conversation beforehand? Just sayin'!

From the beach....


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