I like Thomas Massey too, but he's not related to either British royals or Dutch royals as Martin Van Buren was. Every single president we have had is related to British royals. Bet you didn't know that did you?
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s uncle and father were murdered, because they tried to do the right thing. I exposed it in my e-zine, because I have been enormously fortunate to have met people who taught me the truth. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is the only candidate that will save our country and the world for that matter.
You must be talking about the WEF. I know that Nikki Haley is in the Young Global Leaders, an offshoot of WEF, and Biden is in WEF, but RFK, Jr. is not in WEF.
Soooooooooooooo. . . you want to continue the grid lock of the Uniparty, or Two-party system.
The choice is yours.
Vote for Trump; the man who celebrates his successful Operation Warp Speed and promises Nikki Haley a place in his kingdom, or poopy-pants Biden who is a puppet for his ring leaders.
Actually though, I'm not really sure we'd have gridlock. What we have now borders on complete disfunction while we're literally under attack from both the left and right. She also says he's for infanticide. I'm getting really sick of folks who have an inability to understand "context." Apparently, she's possibly unable to do so. I fear Trump who's never met an autocrat he didn't love and Biden who's under the thumb of the globalist. Either one would be DISASTROUS for our nation and possibly the rest of the western nations as well!! This political chess match is for ALL the marbles. I wish folks would put away their checkerboards and catch up!!!
I agree either a Biden or Trump choice would be a disaster for our nation. What are your thoughts regarding a candidate nominating switcheroo happening at the DNC convention this summer, August 19 to 22, 2024, at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois?
I was listening to ( https://usawatchdog.com/ ) with Greg Hunter's guest, Martin Armstrong. Armstrong suggested the dem party may nominate Hillary Clinton for Biden's replacement---speculation of course, but something has to give. Clinton and Victoria Nuland and ilk would love nothing more than overt aggression towards Iran and Russia with no holds barred.
Donald Trump isn't pperfect?? LOL. If ever there was one less perfect, I'd like to know. It's hard for me to understand that anyone would support him. He doesn't read(and maybe can't read), he's incredibly stupid(can't find many countries on a map, is angry all the time and vindictive, scary as hell-just plain evil.
That people follow that man leaves me speechless. The dumbing down of our population is tragic. Can you imagine someone's daughter bringing him home to meet their mom. He may fool the mom, but the dog and cat I'm sure would have a visceral feral reaction!!!
Thankful someone else is discussing these issues. People are so blinded almost as much as they were with Ross Perot. People need to be reminded how that worked out. We ended up with Tweedle-Dee instead of Tweedle-Dum
I do think that he's come away from the climate change hoax, properly laying his allegiance to real, on-the-ground environmentalism. But his choice of running mate disqaulifies him from being taken seriously as on our side.
Nicole Shanahan's acceptance speech was one of the most heartwarming speeches I have ever heard. Her child is autistic. Therefore, I can't imagine that Nicole is not on our side. And at age 38, she would be willing to learn too just as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is willing to learn.
But he does have radical environmentalist Stefanie Spear in the important role as his Press Secretary. She founded Eco-Watch which continuously hypes global warming dangers, and promotes Agenda 21-style "save the planet" solutions.
You surely don't know why his uncle and father were murdered, but I do. That's why I became a publisher. Here's why JFK was assassinated: http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/1.html Why
Questioning the birth status of both Nicolle Shanahan and Kamala Harris as eligibility for candidacy is not only ridiculous and non-sensical , it is also grossly hypocritical when members of Congress not only possess dual citizenship (US , Israel) but actively and vehemently support that regime which is demonstrably genocidal in intent and action.
You don't know that members of Congress don't have to be natural born citizens, not surprised you're ignorant about anchor babies. Educate yourself on this topic, Cherie knows exactly what it means as do I. I've been through the US Immigration system - have you?
And it's Hamas that is demonstrably genocidal in intent and action as we saw on October 7th, and many times in the past. Their sworn genocidal intent is even in their charter.
I don't now who you ar Cherie Zaslawsky, but you have a lot to learn about the Israeli government, because they killed the people too. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HugMS0k0kB4 Duration: 17:49
If that isn't enough, see this too from one of my Christian friends in North Carolina:
On 10/10/2023 10:37 BST Dan Pendergast <inlaw@ wrote:
Americans are buying the B.S. once more. We are supposed to believe that this alleged attack was a total surprise to the Israelis. They have probably one of the strongest networks of intelligence on the planet with every imaginable defense in place to protect themselves from Palestinian attacks and we are to believe that they endured a surprise attack by Hamas that killed thousands of innocents. Cameras were rolling as they needed good footage to play for the world. I say this is another 9/11 and its purpose is precisely the same. They are blaming Iran for sponsoring the attack so, just like 9/11 where Arabs were falsely blamed for bringing down the towers in NWC, our response was to attack Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. It just so happened that those 3 countries were holdouts who refused to give up their sovereignty to the Rothschild/Vatican World Mafia. Our military under UN control, took care of that little problem for the Mafia. There are 3 countries left on the planet who have not succumbed to the mafia--Iran, Syria and N. Korea and it looks like it’s time to take out Iran [We been working on Syria for quite awhile]. The only reason we haven't taken out Iran already is because they have nuclear missiles and they are aimed at their worst enemy, Israel, the sacred cow. That is the same reason we have not gone after N. Korea. Yes, Rocket Man has let the Globalists know he will not give up without a fight. That's the reason for his launching of test rockets over and over. I guess the Globalist are willing to go for an exchange of nuclear weapons to achieve their goals. As proven in the past, the Jews are more than willing to sacrifice some of their own to achieve their goals. We are certainly aware of their role in 9/11 and their control over U.S. politics. I have Jewish friends and I do feel compassion for those who have suffered under this calamity. It is the civilians who always take the brunt of it.
Dear Arlene, you've managed to find many of the most antisemitic websites online today. They're not hard to come by. If you're interested in the truth, however, you can always read David Meir-Levy's "History Upside Down," Victor Sharpe's "Politicide" volumes on Israel and the Palestinians, and Joan Peter's "From Time Immemorial."
And you could start by reading my own articles : "Israel in the Crosshairs".
It's a Constitutional issue, Peter. And it doesn't apply to members of Congress. Only to the Presidency, the Vice Presidency, and the Speaker of the House--because those are the top three in the chain of command.
The Framers used Vattel's Law of Nations as their guide as they were setting up the new Republic.
This is horrifying. "Kennedy’s campaign consultant Rita Palma touted the possibility his campaign could score enough electoral votes to deprive both Trump and Biden’s replacement from reaching 270 electoral votes, throwing the “contingent election” to Congress. And in an article titled, “How RFK Could Smash the Two-Party System,” Pippa Malmgren argues his third party run could lead to a contingent election with months of chaos likely to ensue.
If Congress, replete with Dems and RINOs, gets to choose the president, anyone think it will be Trump?"
See http://www.truedemocracy..net/w01/3.html which proved that there are no two parties. If you read the whole article, which has 3 parts to it, you'll learn a piece of history that Americans have been denied. This article was from research I performed as an undergrad at UCLA for a professor of political science who had her Ph.D. She gave me an A for this research, which was an independent study, and told me that she passed my references on to another student.
See what Trump said to Republican Congressman Thomas Massey around the 50 minute timeframe in this Tucker Carlson interview that a friend in Seattle, WA sent me that's at
Dear Cherie--We are in an unprecedented time of danger for America and for free peoples everywhere. Dangerous times call for dangerous truths and the brave truthtellers to speak out clearly. Thank you for your courage. ~ Ginger Breggin
Yes, and it's because the American people are not taught the truth. The United States has one of the most censored presses on earth. My experience is that only the African press is worse. The Australian press is censored to the same extent as the American press is.
President Kennedy told the truth and tried as hard as he could to keep the republic, but he was assassinated because he did.
Trump just talks. Talk is cheap; it's actions that speak louder than words. I don't agree with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on every issue, but feel strongly that he would listen to reason if he were POTUS.
I have been making similar points against RFK Jr since his declaration of candidacy. You've done excellent work here gathering a significant number of important arguments to reveal the truth behind the illusions he wants the country to believe about him.
Most irritating to me are his contradictory policy statements which, from one day to the next, pander to audiences with opposing viewpoints. He appears to be unaware that those of us who are paying attention are not fooled.
IMHO, we should be very careful of anyone who supports the bogus CO2 catastrophe scenario.
It seems that precedent to any notion of "one health" is the ideal of "one thought." What I mean is that they can have quite a resistance to one health, but if enough people support the global environmental and justice narrative that Klaus Schwab and RFK Jr support then they don't even need a full "one thought" project: they just need enough (one-thought) fanatics on board with that ideology who'll do their policing for them. We saw this during Covid, when Covid fanatics were happy to police the non-compliant.
What's the glue that holds the "one thought" fanatics together? It's the utter and complete pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe that justifies global government and the monitoring and managing of the entire population for the greater good. So much derives from this, including "one health." All those opposed to that one-thought program of CO2 catastrophe are immediately shunted into the science-denying group that, really, has no rights because they're so wrong.
A one thought fanatic. What is he fanatical about. He's typically very thoughtful in his analysis on most topics, and he has the ability and integrity to change his mind when presented with information that challenges his preconceived positions. Like the border situation. Neither of the other two anointed ones have shown the ability or integrity to do the same. Unfortunately our body politic seems unable to do that as well.
Great analysis, Jim! You're correct that the global warming hoax, which actually began as the global cooling hoax--is foundational to the elites' plan of global control.
What's even more foundational to the foundation is cedeing control to the WHO to declare pandemics based on BS. It is about control, globally, as Kennedy's book The Real AF sheds light into. THAT'S why he's getting blasted from both sides AND why he's not been given secret service protection after seven requests! He's got the majority of the independent voters but the folks on the left and right are STUCK in the silos. It seems to me like the left and right are the real controlled opposition...
Dear Darryl, You are so right. Bravo! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has 38% of the state where he is on their ballot. See if your state is one of them at the very top of his site that's at https://kennedy24.com , and if it isn't there, join forces to get him on your state's ballot. God bless you Darryl.
Hes a kennedy and shanahan is a commie antifa loving nut job people want to be controlled its pathetic this guy and gal can barely save themselves
but I do like Thomas Massie.
I like Thomas Massey too, but he's not related to either British royals or Dutch royals as Martin Van Buren was. Every single president we have had is related to British royals. Bet you didn't know that did you?
Well, how 'bout this? I can't stand any of the 3 leading candidates, and I despise Haley as well.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s uncle and father were murdered, because they tried to do the right thing. I exposed it in my e-zine, because I have been enormously fortunate to have met people who taught me the truth. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is the only candidate that will save our country and the world for that matter.
Arlene Johnson
To access my work, which is top secret and internationally acclaimed and free to the world on my site, click on the icon that says Magazine.
well, all four are owned by the same entity
You must be talking about the WEF. I know that Nikki Haley is in the Young Global Leaders, an offshoot of WEF, and Biden is in WEF, but RFK, Jr. is not in WEF.
Massie 2024
Soooooooooooooo. . . you want to continue the grid lock of the Uniparty, or Two-party system.
The choice is yours.
Vote for Trump; the man who celebrates his successful Operation Warp Speed and promises Nikki Haley a place in his kingdom, or poopy-pants Biden who is a puppet for his ring leaders.
Actually though, I'm not really sure we'd have gridlock. What we have now borders on complete disfunction while we're literally under attack from both the left and right. She also says he's for infanticide. I'm getting really sick of folks who have an inability to understand "context." Apparently, she's possibly unable to do so. I fear Trump who's never met an autocrat he didn't love and Biden who's under the thumb of the globalist. Either one would be DISASTROUS for our nation and possibly the rest of the western nations as well!! This political chess match is for ALL the marbles. I wish folks would put away their checkerboards and catch up!!!
I agree either a Biden or Trump choice would be a disaster for our nation. What are your thoughts regarding a candidate nominating switcheroo happening at the DNC convention this summer, August 19 to 22, 2024, at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois?
I was listening to ( https://usawatchdog.com/ ) with Greg Hunter's guest, Martin Armstrong. Armstrong suggested the dem party may nominate Hillary Clinton for Biden's replacement---speculation of course, but something has to give. Clinton and Victoria Nuland and ilk would love nothing more than overt aggression towards Iran and Russia with no holds barred.
Donald Trump isn't pperfect?? LOL. If ever there was one less perfect, I'd like to know. It's hard for me to understand that anyone would support him. He doesn't read(and maybe can't read), he's incredibly stupid(can't find many countries on a map, is angry all the time and vindictive, scary as hell-just plain evil.
That people follow that man leaves me speechless. The dumbing down of our population is tragic. Can you imagine someone's daughter bringing him home to meet their mom. He may fool the mom, but the dog and cat I'm sure would have a visceral feral reaction!!!
Thankful someone else is discussing these issues. People are so blinded almost as much as they were with Ross Perot. People need to be reminded how that worked out. We ended up with Tweedle-Dee instead of Tweedle-Dum
Dear Cheri-- We have just published a column that recommends this piece of yours and a couple of others. https://open.substack.com/pub/gingerbreggin/p/our-world-is-in-terrible-trouble
Thanks so much, Ginger!
I'm honored!
He flip flops excessively. I believe he is extremely compromised! He is basically there as both a distraction and a vote stealer. Don’t fall for it!
I do think that he's come away from the climate change hoax, properly laying his allegiance to real, on-the-ground environmentalism. But his choice of running mate disqaulifies him from being taken seriously as on our side.
Nicole Shanahan's acceptance speech was one of the most heartwarming speeches I have ever heard. Her child is autistic. Therefore, I can't imagine that Nicole is not on our side. And at age 38, she would be willing to learn too just as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is willing to learn.
I hear you, Joanie!
But he does have radical environmentalist Stefanie Spear in the important role as his Press Secretary. She founded Eco-Watch which continuously hypes global warming dangers, and promotes Agenda 21-style "save the planet" solutions.
Well, there you go... he is truly a wolf in sheep's clothing!
You surely don't know why his uncle and father were murdered, but I do. That's why I became a publisher. Here's why JFK was assassinated: http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/1.html Why
http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2a.html Photos of
http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2b.html La Nacion documentation
http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2c.html Who Killed Kennedy?
http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2d.html Witnessed died
http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2e.html More gunners
http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2f.html La Razon article
http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2g.html Shot in the forehead
http://www.truedemocracy.net/s01/did.html Wanted to nationalize energy & eliminate oil depletion allowance
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td3/shadow/s81.html Signed EO 11110
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td2_3/68_dyk.html More Kennedy assassins-Jesuits
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td14/16.html Israel orders kill Kennedy
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td14/contents.html Quote on right side of the page
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td21/09a.html 3 More reasons why
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td22/16.html Last of 3 items; this is my Did You Know? feature.
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-28/21.html Death of Kennedy-Nixon resigned rather than facing impeachment
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-28/25.html Judges grill CIA lawyers
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-28/55.html 3rd item down; this is my Did You Know? feature
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-29/2.html Gerald R. Ford book on assassination
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-30/31.html CIA Lawyers to Face JFK Questions
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-30/51.html Key financier of JFK Assassination-Item 17 of Did You Know?
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj31/47.html 15th item-This is my Did You Know? feature.
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj32/16.html Dishonest presentation in The Atlantic
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj32/30.html More on EO 11110
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj32/34a.html Bay of Pigs 15th item-This is my Did You Know? feature
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj33/24.html Bay of Pigs, 1st item-This is my Did You Know? feature.
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj34/30.html Who carried out the assassination-Did You Know? 7th item.
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj35/35.html EO12608 replaces EO 11110 19th item-This is my Did You Know? feature
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj36/36.html Scroll all the way down to the very end to read about The Zapruder film inside story. This is my Did You Know? feature.
Questioning the birth status of both Nicolle Shanahan and Kamala Harris as eligibility for candidacy is not only ridiculous and non-sensical , it is also grossly hypocritical when members of Congress not only possess dual citizenship (US , Israel) but actively and vehemently support that regime which is demonstrably genocidal in intent and action.
Refugee here, I disagree with you. It's important to point out that Nicole is an anchor baby, she's legally not eligible to run as VP or POTUS.
Anchor baby? what do you mean by that?
You don't know that members of Congress don't have to be natural born citizens, not surprised you're ignorant about anchor babies. Educate yourself on this topic, Cherie knows exactly what it means as do I. I've been through the US Immigration system - have you?
You're absolutely right, Vilma!
And it's Hamas that is demonstrably genocidal in intent and action as we saw on October 7th, and many times in the past. Their sworn genocidal intent is even in their charter.
I don't now who you ar Cherie Zaslawsky, but you have a lot to learn about the Israeli government, because they killed the people too. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HugMS0k0kB4 Duration: 17:49
From John Kaminski via Judi Nipps
Duration: 11:32
If that isn't enough, see this too from one of my Christian friends in North Carolina:
On 10/10/2023 10:37 BST Dan Pendergast <inlaw@ wrote:
Americans are buying the B.S. once more. We are supposed to believe that this alleged attack was a total surprise to the Israelis. They have probably one of the strongest networks of intelligence on the planet with every imaginable defense in place to protect themselves from Palestinian attacks and we are to believe that they endured a surprise attack by Hamas that killed thousands of innocents. Cameras were rolling as they needed good footage to play for the world. I say this is another 9/11 and its purpose is precisely the same. They are blaming Iran for sponsoring the attack so, just like 9/11 where Arabs were falsely blamed for bringing down the towers in NWC, our response was to attack Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. It just so happened that those 3 countries were holdouts who refused to give up their sovereignty to the Rothschild/Vatican World Mafia. Our military under UN control, took care of that little problem for the Mafia. There are 3 countries left on the planet who have not succumbed to the mafia--Iran, Syria and N. Korea and it looks like it’s time to take out Iran [We been working on Syria for quite awhile]. The only reason we haven't taken out Iran already is because they have nuclear missiles and they are aimed at their worst enemy, Israel, the sacred cow. That is the same reason we have not gone after N. Korea. Yes, Rocket Man has let the Globalists know he will not give up without a fight. That's the reason for his launching of test rockets over and over. I guess the Globalist are willing to go for an exchange of nuclear weapons to achieve their goals. As proven in the past, the Jews are more than willing to sacrifice some of their own to achieve their goals. We are certainly aware of their role in 9/11 and their control over U.S. politics. I have Jewish friends and I do feel compassion for those who have suffered under this calamity. It is the civilians who always take the brunt of it.
http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/10.html Scroll down till you see Hamas; this is my Did You Know?
http://www.truedemocracy.net/td24/33.html Second and third items. This is my Did You Know? feature.
These links are corroborated by these links:
David Sorenson provided this 1:03:22 video that corroborated what I published. See
Rodney Atkinson published this article. See
Redacted’s Clayton Morris did this video saying the same thing. Watch
Duration: 22:34
A chap did a BitChute on this: Watch
Duration: 3:10
Brian Shilhavy reprinted what Professor Michel Chossudovsky published that includes 1. Netanyahu is on Record for Supporting and Financing Hamas Terrorists at https://vaccineimpact.com/2023/christians-continue-to-be-murdered-in-gaza-netanyahu-supported-both-hamas-and-al-qaeda-terrorists/
At around 44 minutes hear it again by Mike Adams at https://www.brighteon.com/59cbbb99-5f8f-4bcd-9622-0da42e942f9c
Bob Avery, a retired professor at the University of Michigan sent this out
Duration: 12:09
An Aussie friend
A Christian in America
A Christian in Canada:
https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/if-the-lights-go-dark-call-out-the?r=fh3vd around the 1:01:00 timeframe
Josh Sigurdson on World Alternative Media on Bitchute:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/pw6J0i69v42j/ during the 10 minute timeframe
Duration: 28:52
Arlene Johnson
To access the rest of my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Dear Arlene, you've managed to find many of the most antisemitic websites online today. They're not hard to come by. If you're interested in the truth, however, you can always read David Meir-Levy's "History Upside Down," Victor Sharpe's "Politicide" volumes on Israel and the Palestinians, and Joan Peter's "From Time Immemorial."
And you could start by reading my own articles : "Israel in the Crosshairs".
It's a Constitutional issue, Peter. And it doesn't apply to members of Congress. Only to the Presidency, the Vice Presidency, and the Speaker of the House--because those are the top three in the chain of command.
The Framers used Vattel's Law of Nations as their guide as they were setting up the new Republic.
This is horrifying. "Kennedy’s campaign consultant Rita Palma touted the possibility his campaign could score enough electoral votes to deprive both Trump and Biden’s replacement from reaching 270 electoral votes, throwing the “contingent election” to Congress. And in an article titled, “How RFK Could Smash the Two-Party System,” Pippa Malmgren argues his third party run could lead to a contingent election with months of chaos likely to ensue.
If Congress, replete with Dems and RINOs, gets to choose the president, anyone think it will be Trump?"
See http://www.truedemocracy..net/w01/3.html which proved that there are no two parties. If you read the whole article, which has 3 parts to it, you'll learn a piece of history that Americans have been denied. This article was from research I performed as an undergrad at UCLA for a professor of political science who had her Ph.D. She gave me an A for this research, which was an independent study, and told me that she passed my references on to another student.
See what Trump said to Republican Congressman Thomas Massey around the 50 minute timeframe in this Tucker Carlson interview that a friend in Seattle, WA sent me that's at
Duration: 2:09:39
Trump threatened Congressman Massey (R-KY) around 50 minutes
“We need more CO2” around 1 hour 40 minutes.
Dear Cherie--We are in an unprecedented time of danger for America and for free peoples everywhere. Dangerous times call for dangerous truths and the brave truthtellers to speak out clearly. Thank you for your courage. ~ Ginger Breggin
Yes, and it's because the American people are not taught the truth. The United States has one of the most censored presses on earth. My experience is that only the African press is worse. The Australian press is censored to the same extent as the American press is.
President Kennedy told the truth and tried as hard as he could to keep the republic, but he was assassinated because he did.
Trump just talks. Talk is cheap; it's actions that speak louder than words. I don't agree with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on every issue, but feel strongly that he would listen to reason if he were POTUS.
Arlene Johnson
To access my work, which is top secret history, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Thank you so much for your comment, Ginger! And speaking of courageous truth-tellers, I'd put you and Peter at the top of that list!
Don Feder is correct. And so are you in your analysis.
From the beach..
I have been making similar points against RFK Jr since his declaration of candidacy. You've done excellent work here gathering a significant number of important arguments to reveal the truth behind the illusions he wants the country to believe about him.
Most irritating to me are his contradictory policy statements which, from one day to the next, pander to audiences with opposing viewpoints. He appears to be unaware that those of us who are paying attention are not fooled.
IMHO, we should be very careful of anyone who supports the bogus CO2 catastrophe scenario.
It seems that precedent to any notion of "one health" is the ideal of "one thought." What I mean is that they can have quite a resistance to one health, but if enough people support the global environmental and justice narrative that Klaus Schwab and RFK Jr support then they don't even need a full "one thought" project: they just need enough (one-thought) fanatics on board with that ideology who'll do their policing for them. We saw this during Covid, when Covid fanatics were happy to police the non-compliant.
What's the glue that holds the "one thought" fanatics together? It's the utter and complete pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe that justifies global government and the monitoring and managing of the entire population for the greater good. So much derives from this, including "one health." All those opposed to that one-thought program of CO2 catastrophe are immediately shunted into the science-denying group that, really, has no rights because they're so wrong.
RFK Jr is a one-thought fanatic.
A one thought fanatic. What is he fanatical about. He's typically very thoughtful in his analysis on most topics, and he has the ability and integrity to change his mind when presented with information that challenges his preconceived positions. Like the border situation. Neither of the other two anointed ones have shown the ability or integrity to do the same. Unfortunately our body politic seems unable to do that as well.
Great analysis, Jim! You're correct that the global warming hoax, which actually began as the global cooling hoax--is foundational to the elites' plan of global control.
What's even more foundational to the foundation is cedeing control to the WHO to declare pandemics based on BS. It is about control, globally, as Kennedy's book The Real AF sheds light into. THAT'S why he's getting blasted from both sides AND why he's not been given secret service protection after seven requests! He's got the majority of the independent voters but the folks on the left and right are STUCK in the silos. It seems to me like the left and right are the real controlled opposition...
Dear Darryl, You are so right. Bravo! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has 38% of the state where he is on their ballot. See if your state is one of them at the very top of his site that's at https://kennedy24.com , and if it isn't there, join forces to get him on your state's ballot. God bless you Darryl.
Arlene Johnson
To access my work, which is free top secret history, that's internationally acclaimed, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Repercussions include climate lockdowns and forced acceptance of "climate refugees."