Great research but there is a flaw. Trump surrounded himself with neocons his first term. He ran as an outsider promising to drain the swamp. Immediately after his inauguration he filled his cabinet with all of the known deep state players except for Ben Carson. Trump never was an outsider, merely and excellent con man. Nothing he did was through legislative process but rather executive order, all of which was nullified and reversed upon Biden's action upon assuming power. Now Trump is owned by Israel so just how much more globalist can he become? He's not working for American independence nor sovereignty. NOTHING will change if he should miraculously win other than a few cosmetic feel good items. We'll still be interfering in other countries' affairs and trying to keep our position in the Rothschild/Zionist Empire intact. America was fundamentally transformed in 1912-13 under Wilson. The Uniparty formed then and has run the agenda to where we see it today. The Fabians were successful. A country of liberty is lost as our Founders warned it would be many times.

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Marty, while I agree the Fabians have been largely successful, I completely disagree that Trump knowingly brought in Deep State players. In fact, that's the topic of this article: the hidden saboteurs who treacherously connived against President Trump and the MAGA agenda.

While you're certainly entitled to your opinion, Marty, I do not permit antisemitic slurs on my Substack. There is no "Zionist Empire". Israel is a tiny state fighting for its very survival. You're spouting claims typical of antisemites, but provided you refrain from any more such comments, I'll let this one stand. Any more and I'll need to remove them.

By the way, Kelleigh Nelson offers an excellent history lesson below.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Cherie, Your article is excellent! The book "The Zionist Connection: What Price Peace?" by anti-Zionist Jewish scholar Dr. Alfred Lilienthal explains that anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-semitism. I recommend you read it. Another great book is "Theft of a Nation" by biblical scholar and archeologist William Baker. It explains how Christians should not support present day Israel and that the chosen people are those who choose God and Christ, not a piece of land. As an American, I would like to end all foreign aid. These wars on behalf of the military industrial complex, Israel and globalist financial interests must stop. Peace and prosperity is the way God wants us to live. God bless!

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Ginny, there is one Jewish state, the Promised Land of Israel, bequeathed to the Jewish people thousands of years ago by someone both Christians and Jews revere: God Himself. And the Jews were chosen by God to bless ALL the nations. That would be through Christ.

Please go to the real source for information on this, which is not an anti-Zionist author, but the Bible.

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First off, Trump put Pence, who he trusted at the time, in charge of the transition team after he fired Chris Christie and Pence brought in the neo-cons because Pence was always a neo-con despite playing like a good little Christian. Trump kept us out of war, Trump built the economy, Trump had lower gasoline prices because of "Drill Baby Drill," so the Stalinists cooked up their 10-year-old pandemic plan to ruin him and Pence as Task Force head brought in Fauci, Redfield and the scarf lady, Birx. That was the knife to the back...until the knife to the heart of the Republic on Jan. 6th by Pence.

As for Wilson, he was only a player. The real culprits once again have nothing to do with the Rothschilds as far as destruction goes. That started in 1861 with the murder of now estimated 850,000 Americans, 80,000 at least being non-combatants both black and white, men, women and children murdered by William Tecumseh Sherman on his march to the sea where he also destroyed all libraries, hospitals farm fields, schools, homes, etc. Then he went on to kill the buffalo and round up the Indians to murder them and called it, "the final solution." He did this on the orders of Grant who got the orders from Lincoln. Secondly, Karl Marx, who was raised Lutheran and turned against God, wrote letters to Lincoln, (they're in the Smithsonian) telling him to use slavery as an issue because slaves were personal property and no personal property should exist under Marxism. He also told Lincoln to centralize the federal government by keeping the union because he knew that one large government was easier to infiltrate than all the little state governments.

Trump is not owned by Israel. He is owned by the Lord God, His creator. The Lord Himself said in his Word in both the Old and New Testaments, Esau I hate, and Jacob have I loved. Zion is Jerusalem and Zionism is the desire of Jews to have the homeland God gave them 3000 years ago. That's all it is. The pejorative usage of Zion or Zionist was done by none other than the globalist and evil United Nations, not by knowledgeable Christians and Jews.

This country was made by men of letters who fought for 8 years for independence from an over controlling and taxing UK. One man who gave his all and died penniless, saved the new country and her 13 colonies. His name was Haym Salomon and he is remembered in American history as saving the Continental Army by giving over $600,000, all of his monies, to save the country from England's heavy hand of rule.

We are blessed that our founders took so much of God's laws from the Old Testament to make our wonderful Constitution for our Judeo-Christian people.

Only those who infiltrated, the Marxists, are responsible for the filth in our country today. Many of the Republicans like Pence, are nothing more than slow Marxists and that is why we call them, neo-con Trotskyites.

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"The Lord Himself said in his Word in both the Old and New Testaments, Esau I hate, and Jacob have I loved. Zion is Jerusalem and Zionism is the desire of Jews to have the homeland God gave them 3000 years ago. That's all it is.

The pejorative usage of Zion or Zionist was done by none other than the globalist and evil United Nations, not by knowledgeable Christians and Jews. Only those who infiltrated, the Marxists, are responsible for the filth in our country today. Many of the Republicans like Pence, are nothing more than slow Marxists and that is why we call them, neo-con Trotskyites." Kelleigh Nelson

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Excerpt - "We are blessed that our founders took so much of God's laws from the Old Testament to make our wonderful Constitution for our Judeo-Christian people."

The 14 presidents appointed before Washington were roughly half Freemasons. Washington is shown on currency and paintings wearing a Freemasonry apron. The symbol put in the US Senate building was that of sticks having strength only when together, the symbol of fascism. Most of the Founders wanted to re-construct the ancient Roman Republic not any Judeo-Christian nation. We have wishful thinking even after the fact?

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If Trump’s ignorance is an excuse for his failures as president, then most Americans are qualified, because ignorance has been systematically infused into our society as a cultural norm. Just yesterday, Eric Zuesse detailed Trump wimping out every freaking time when push came to shove - in effect, backstabbing those he had chosen to craft the plans to stop our self-destructive military efforts and expenditures all over this planet - never mind the endless support for our 'best ally Israel'! When the plans were presented to the president, his 'chosen' advisors simply informed Trump that he would be blamed if the plans failed - the reward for those drawing up the plans was being fired - how's that for loyalty?

Speaking of ignorance and not actually calling out our own failures, we blame every 'ism' we can name....again, out of our ignorance.

Communism, marxism, nazism, capitalism, socialism, leftism, conservatism, liberalism, etcetcetc......yadada yadada…..

Blaming all the 'isms' is useless - it's like blaming termites for being termites and they won't listen to you anyways.

Here's the real question: How long will the millions of American and most of Western churchianity keep pretending to worship Jesus while actually serving DaSynagogue of Satan? Who dat?

Most folks - secular or churchian - don't even believe it exists. While Old Scratch has convinced the whole world that it doesn't exist - it literally runs the show by subterfuge and deception through its multiplicity of manifestations which we see and blame for our socio-economic problems. Old Scratch's best game is 'you and him go fight' - and we are his best suckers - just study history.

Think not? And before you jump out of your self-righteous pew or pulpit, read the evidence - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Churchianity+synagogue+satan&m=1 - all of them! That's just for starters.

I have been all of these - Russia hater, anti-communist, zionist neocon, end-time religionist......did I forget any?

It took me decades - yes, discovering truth and reality is a process - never an end state. And the hardest part is - it takes effort and perseverance - www.crushlimbraw.com - that's basically my story, right or wrong.

That literally is the HARDEST part for most folks - they cannot admit they were wrong - thus living in delusion - and disabling themselves from repentance, the first step in Christianity.

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Don't forget Tulsi CFR/WEF Gabbard.

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This is an excellent report. Thank you. I found it on Lew Rockwell.

I have been studying Trump's astrology for a number of months. He is not good at determining who are his friends and who are his enemies. He often trusts most everyone. In regards to the Jews, Trump has been friends with the Jewish community in NY for most of his life. He is bonded to them, as he is to Israel. The birth charts of Trump and the State of Israel are less than a month apart. His relationship with the Jewish community and Israel and Netanyahoo is more personal than it is political. They have been like family to him before they were ever donors. However, now running for President a second time, as "donors", big donors, Trump's relationship with the Jewish community, sadly, ignores the horrific war against the Palestinians, and that IS political, although as he makes it clear in this talk he gave to a group of Jewish "I am your strongest advocate against antisemitism". “My promise to Jewish Americans is this: With your vote, I will be your defender, your protector, and I will be the best friend Jewish Americans have ever had in the White House,” Trump said during the donor event in Washington, titled “Fighting Anti-Semitism in America.”


As written in a Unz Review article by Philip M. Giraldi PhD, he makes the claim: "I predict that the desirability of America being Israel’s bonded slave, due to God’s command concerning his Chosen, will at a certain level surface in the remaining campaign, driven by Israel deliberately provoking situations that will force the United States government to fully commit itself to the Jewish state’s “defense.” That will be spun to become a last-minute endorsement of Donald Trump and what he stands for in terms of his willingness to go about physically destroying all of Israel’s adversaries in the Middle East. I suspect it might prove to be enough confusion to tip the result in a close election. We will know in about a month!"

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest


I am not a Zionist and am not antisemitic. I am Jewish and heartbroken about what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians and how the Muslim world hates the Israelis. It is a religious ethnic conundrum which could last another 160 years, according to the astrology. But with hope that Trump is elected the truth is, his relationships with Jewish Americans and Israel and Netanyahoo, is likely to endure just as it has been and more.

Thank you so much for your work.

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I don't think anybody would have had the stomach for a 10 year plan. But it was. Sun Tzu. Keep your enemies closer.

In the limelight, where the disinfectant light destroys all. Still ongoing, but the real culprits have all been dealt with. The skeleton crew of Globalists are still center stage, for the final act. Those are the ones who will see the hangmans noose. At least some of them, for optics. Rest goes to gitmo or Club Fed. This the educational phase... "Yes, even most of the nice ones are all limited hang-out controlled oppo." My view. And the plan was longer than 10 years of course. But this public phase, 10 year. And winding down. Big bang? ATMs out, money disappeared, no funds, election stolen AGAIN.... What will be the next and final act... All of the above, is my guess. And soon.

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Note to the author: Dante Aligheri was not anything like what you think his famous prose-poem reflects. Dante was a druggist and the Anthony Fauci of his era who wanted globalist government as part of his Ghibelline faction. His Divine Comedy of which The Inferno is a part, is a false and maligning description of his opposing political faction - the Guelphs who were mostly merchants - and their nine sins for which they were going to end up in hell. Think of The Inferno as a poetic Hillary Clinton description of "the conservative deplorables." Don't believe me? Read the first couple of chapters of James Burnham's The Machiavellians.

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If there is an election and if 45 would win, he will be prone to make the same mistakes he made in his first term by selecting individuals unworthy of trust and whom are part of what we wish would go away...the UniParty deep state insiders and their billionaire and corporate miscreants drunk on control and power. Trump should come clean on C19 and the vaccine . He knows he was bamboozled. Pence was responsible as he was the events leading up to J6.

You speak the truth , Cherie , as does Ms. Nelson.

From the beach....


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This Glenn Beck 2019 content is truly "for a time such as this":


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Thanks so much, Carl!

"Interesting times" to be sure!

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