I saw a photo of the uniformed people afterwards from the second story room with the exact same view as the patsy had, they looked out over where he was and on to the stage in the distance. That’s when it occurred to me how they set this up. If this vantage and possibility s pointedly ignored by investigators in the exec and legislative branches, that would confirm your theory.

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Cherie, I had reached the same overall conclusion you did and was glad to see someone else writing about it had the same perspective.

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Remember the Poirot story, "The Clocks?" In it Sheila Webb accidentally discovers a dead man at the home of Miss Pebmarsh, a supposed client of the typing agency that employs Webb. Webb was framed for the murder and another character in the story speculates that the dead man was sent there to be killed.

Regarding our real-life late unpleasantness, I have my own Poirot/Marple inspired questions:

1. If Crooks was truly careful planner, with an indiscernible social media footprint, why would he risk being seen and photographed by multiple witnesses, who could alert police to his presence and attest--unequivocally and unanimously--that he was the only suspicious person in the area?

2. Why did the careful planner position himself on the roof of a building that had perhaps a score of law enforcement personnel inside?

3. Why were normally well-trained and highly competent police and security personnel all suddenly and simultaneously inept? (Why would the agencies involved risk their reputations?)

4. Why did at least three sniper teams have Crooks in their direct line of sight, with clear fields of fire? (And at least two of these teams had Crooks and Trump in direct line of sight. Two teams in plain sight, another two hidden, supposedly: one behind Crooks and another in unused bleachers far to the left of the stage.)

5. Why were communications among the various law enforcement and security agencies not coordinated to ensure a centralized command and control?

6. Was the water tower not a sniper's nest but instead an observation post?

In short, if Crooks were the only truly inept person with a weapon at the rally, how was he successful in causing four casualties, with one being fatal?

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I love your comment, Daniel! Yes, far too many unanswered questions and far too many "coincidences".

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Where Crooks' body was puts him in a position that would not have missed Trump if Crooks actually took a shot at him and was half assed accurate. The second story window would put the shooter(s) in the exact spot that when Trump turned his head it would hit his ear. The media keeps lying about Crooks' body position. They keep showing graphics of it on the side of the building where the window of the second story is. According to the size of the building, it was somewhere around 50 feet to the RIGHT of that position. I wonder why? I can't find Chris Martenson's video but I did find this:


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Thanks so much, Lion! I watched the video and the fellow agrees with my theory of a second shooter taking aim from a second-story window behind Crooks' building.

Much confusion stems from the fact that the independent researchers are frequently using different calculations of the positions of shooters and people wounded, and extrapolating different bullet trajectories. I'm beginning to think, counting Crooks, there may have been three shooters--two pros and the patsy.

But the bottom line is that this was clearly an inside job--a treasonous, conspiratorial assassination attempt against Trump and America.

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Just like John Kennedy. Just like Bobby Kennedy Just like MLK. Just like Malcom X. HOWEVER this time they missed. Trump turned his head at the exact moment that bullet would have hit him in the head. A millisecond. SO…let’s see what the religious fanatics come up with. Is he a God send or is he from the deceiver himself? I guess we will all find out SOON enough.

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I'd say he's neither, Lion. Though many believe God saved him, that doesn't mean he's a saint! But it may mean he's going to win the election. We shall see!

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He WON the last election. They cheated like hell. And I’m sure they plan on doing it again. Especially if Harris is the “nominee”. CACKLE,CACKLE, CACKLE!!!

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If Kalamity is the nominee, there's no way they can cheat enough to get her "elected." Less "likeable" than Hillary!

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Sure they can. They will open voting up to absentee and let the population of China vote for her who will be getting bribed with an extra bowl of rice for the day. So in a country of 350 million Kalamity (good one but I like Kameltow better) she will get 3.6 billion votes.

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Wake up and smell the coffee America, what happened in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024 was a hasty and reckless plan by the DEEP STATE to whack Donald J. Trump. As I have stated to my wife for years, Barack Hussein Obama is overplaying his hand, both in deeds and pride:


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Cherie Zaslawsky as stated above, I have told my wife for years Barack Hussein Obama is overplaying his hand. Not only in his deeds, but also in his pride. Accordingly, methinks Barack Hussein Obama had to greenlight this failed CIA assassination of Donald J. Trump and here are the reasons for my theory of BHO's involvement:

Do you remember that time in 2016 when Attorney General Loretta Lynch decided she would take a private meeting with Bill Clinton on her plane as it was parked on the tarmac in Phoenix – while Bill’s wife, Hillary Clinton (when she was Obama’s Secretary of State), was under federal investigation for using a secret and unlawful private email server at her New York home, to receive thousands of top secret and classified government emails?

With the obvious corruption of the Phoenix tarmac meeting in mind; it is my humble opinion that our Constitutional Republic permanently fell during the 2016 presidential election cycle on July 5 when FBI Director James Comey ignored the rule of law and “exonerated” Hillary Clinton for the illegal server and the thousands of her classified emails. At that point in American history, the “rule of law” in the USA began its demise and because the constitutional provisions for remedy to the ensuing felonious acts and omissions (think FISA Court - “Crossfire Hurricane”) of James Comey, (et al) were never pursued; our Constitutional Republic has fallen and is irreparable…... and the 2022 FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago along with the four unconstitutional indictments of Donald J. Trump and the “Bragg show trial in New York”, is my proof We the People now live in a banana republic.

[However, with Saturday's (7/13/2024) failed CIA assassination of DJT, the term "banana republic" is no longer accurate. Totalitarian/Fascist/CIA/JUNTA/Stasi is closer to the DEEP STATE than "banana republic".]

Please be cognizant: The Comey/Hillary Clinton exoneration was three weeks prior to a July 2016 Oval Office meeting orchestrated by President Barack Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett and attended by Vice President Joe Biden, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, national security adviser Susan Rice and CIA Director John Brennan.

According to CIA Director John Brennan’s handwritten notes, Brennan informed attendees of “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton" on July 26, 2016, of “a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” [In other words, a scandal about collusion with Russia.] According to a CIA memo, the intent of this plan was “distracting the public from Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.”

Later it was shown that the plan was enacted via the Steele dossier, which Robby Mook, Clinton’s former campaign director, acknowledged under oath in 2022 to have procured. So explosive were Brennan’s notes that U.S. senators needed a federal court order, issued four years after Obama’s Oval Office meeting, to wrest a copy of it from the Department of Justice. Released along with Brennan’s notes was a copy of a CIA memo sent to FBI Director James Comey and Peter Strzok, (the deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division and manager of FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane”), delineating the Barack Hussein Obama’s Oval Office meeting’s discussions and Obama's directives to the intelligence agencies.

That is why I posit; Barack Hussein Obama greenlighted the 7/13/2024 failed CIA assassination of Donald J. Trump.

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That connects a lot of the dots. George Webb also put out a post showing that the two survivors of the shootings were on a different bullet trajectory possibly from that 2nd story window. https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/fbi-busted-the-double-dutch-bust?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=674856&post_id=146842346&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=16n8g0&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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Time will tell, Cherie, but don't look for transparency from the FBI. THEY KNOW THAT WE KNOW. Your explanation is plausible.

Thank you for your analysis.

From the beach...


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Thanks so much, Gene! Glad you think it's plausible. Sneaky, too!

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All they do is much more than sneaky, Cherie..

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Sadly, yes, Gene!

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